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Bachelor's Degree in Veterinary/Animal Health Technologies/Technicians

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Bachelor’s Degrees in Veterinary/Animal Health Technologies/Technicians

593 Yearly Graduations
93% Women
27% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*
A bachelor's degree in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians is offered at 28 colleges in the United States. Among those who recently graduated from the schools offering this degree, the majority were women, and 27% were students from underrepresented racial-ethnic groups. Also, 0.3% of veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians graduates were international students.

Education Levels of Veterinary/Animal Health Technologies/Technicians Majors

In 2020-2021, 593 earned their bachelor's degree in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians. This makes it the 193rd most popular bachelor's degree program in the country.

The following table shows the number of diplomas awarded in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians at each degree level.

Education Level Number of Grads
Associate Degree 4,418
Undergraduate Certificate 2,682
Basic Certificate 953
Bachelor’s Degree 593

Earnings of Veterinary/Animal Health Technologies/Technicians Majors With Bachelor’s Degrees

At this time, we do not have the data to estimate the median earnings for this class of people.

Student Debt

We do not have the data to calculate the median and range of debt loads for veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians students who are bachelor's degree holders.

Student Diversity

More women than men pursue their bachelor's degree in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians. About 92.9% of graduates with this degree are female.

Gender Number of Grads
Men 42
Women 551

The racial-ethnic distribution of veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians bachelor’s degree students is as follows:

Race/Ethnicity Number of Grads
Asian 13
Black or African American 33
Hispanic or Latino 106
White 396
International Students 2
Other Races/Ethnicities 43

There are 28 colleges that offer a bachelor’s degree in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians. Learn more about the most popular 20 below:


Murray State University

Murray, Kentucky
116 Yearly Graduations
90% Women
9% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

Murray State University tops the list of the most popular school in the U.S. for veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians majors who are seeking their bachelor's degree. Roughly 9,400 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $8,040 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $8,982 per year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, 116 bachelor's degrees were handed out to veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians majors at Murray State. Of these students, 90% were women and 9% were members of underrepresented racial-ethnic groups.


Wilson College

Chambersburg, Pennsylvania
43 Yearly Graduations
95% Women
7% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

Wilson College is the 2nd most popular school in the nation for students seeking a bachelor's degree in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians. Roughly 1,500 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $25,200 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $9,270 per year. During the 2020-2021 academic year, 43 people received their bachelor's degree in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians from Wilson. Around 7% of these students were from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group, and 95% were women.


St Petersburg College

Clearwater, Florida
38 Yearly Graduations
100% Women
18% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

The 3rd most popular school in the country for veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians majors who are seeking their bachelor's degree is St Petersburg College. The veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians program at St Petersburg College awarded 38 bachelor's degrees during the 2020-2021 school year. Around 18% of these students were from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group, and 100% were women.


Mississippi State University

Mississippi State, Mississippi
32 Yearly Graduations
91% Women
19% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

The 4th most popular school in the country for veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians majors who are seeking their bachelor's degree is Mississippi State University. Each year, around 22,900 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $9,110 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $9,110 per year. The veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians program at Mississippi State University awarded 32 bachelor's degrees during the 2020-2021 school year. Around 19% of these students were from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group, and 91% were women.


Fort Valley State University

Fort Valley, Georgia
31 Yearly Graduations
90% Women
77% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

Fort Valley State University is the 5th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a bachelor's degree in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians. Roughly 3,000 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $4,064 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $4,344 per year. The veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians program at Fort Valley State University awarded 31 bachelor's degrees during the 2020-2021 school year. About 90% of this group were women, and 77% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.

30 Yearly Graduations
97% Women
87% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

California State Polytechnic University - Pomona is the 6th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a bachelor's degree in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians. Roughly 30,000 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $5,742 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $7,176 per year. During the 2020-2021 academic year, 30 people received their bachelor's degree in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians from Cal Poly Pomona. About 97% of this group were women, and 87% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.


SUNY Canton

Canton, New York
27 Yearly Graduations
89% Women
19% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

SUNY Canton comes in at #7 on our list of the most popular colleges offering bachelor's degrees in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians. Roughly 3,100 attend the school each year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, 27 bachelor's degrees were handed out to veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians majors at SUNY Canton. About 89% of this group were women, and 19% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.


Universidad del Turabo

Gurabo, Puerto Rico
27 Yearly Graduations
74% Women

Universidad del Turabo is the 7th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a bachelor's degree in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians. Roughly 13,500 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $4,920 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $2,652 per year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, 27 bachelor's degrees were handed out to veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians majors at Universidad del Turabo. Of these students, 74% were women and 100% were members of underrepresented racial-ethnic groups.


Medaille College

Buffalo, New York
26 Yearly Graduations
92% Women
15% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

Medaille College comes in at #9 on our list of the most popular colleges offering bachelor's degrees in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians. Each year, around 2,000 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $32,500 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $22,296 per year. During the 2020-2021 academic year, 26 people received their bachelor's degree in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians from Medaille. Of these students, 92% were women and 15% were members of underrepresented racial-ethnic groups.

24 Yearly Graduations
100% Women
8% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

The 10th most popular school in the country for veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians majors who are seeking their bachelor's degree is North Dakota State University - Main Campus. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $8,951 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $7,293 per year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, 24 bachelor's degrees were handed out to veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians majors at North Dakota State University. Of these students, 100% were women and 8% were members of underrepresented racial-ethnic groups.


University of Massachusetts Amherst

Amherst, Massachusetts
24 Yearly Graduations
96% Women

University of Massachusetts Amherst comes in at #10 on our list of the most popular colleges offering bachelor's degrees in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians. Each year, around 31,600 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $15,791 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $14,014 per year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, 24 bachelor's degrees were handed out to veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians majors at UMass Amherst.

24 Yearly Graduations
100% Women

University of Maine at Augusta comes in at #10 on our list of the most popular colleges offering bachelor's degrees in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $7,350 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $7,776 per year. During the 2020-2021 academic year, 24 people received their bachelor's degree in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians from UMA.


Texas A&M University - Kingsville

Kingsville, Texas
22 Yearly Graduations
91% Women
77% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

Texas A&M University - Kingsville comes in at #13 on our list of the most popular colleges offering bachelor's degrees in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians. Roughly 6,900 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $5,137 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $3,409 per year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, 22 bachelor's degrees were handed out to veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians majors at Texas A&M Kingsville. Around 77% of these students were from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group, and 91% were women.


Michigan State University

East Lansing, Michigan
21 Yearly Graduations
100% Women
10% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

Michigan State University comes in at #14 on our list of the most popular colleges offering bachelor's degrees in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $15,966 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $19,714 per year. During the 2020-2021 academic year, 21 people received their bachelor's degree in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians from Michigan State. About 100% of this group were women, and 10% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.


Morehead State University

Morehead, Kentucky
20 Yearly Graduations
100% Women
5% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

The 15th most popular school in the country for veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians majors who are seeking their bachelor's degree is Morehead State University. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $9,082 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $10,260 per year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, 20 bachelor's degrees were handed out to veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians majors at Morehead State University. Around 5% of these students were from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group, and 100% were women.


Mercy College

Dobbs Ferry, New York
18 Yearly Graduations
89% Women
56% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

Mercy College is the 16th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a bachelor's degree in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians. Roughly 9,500 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $19,920 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $16,974 per year. The veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians program at Mercy College awarded 18 bachelor's degrees during the 2020-2021 school year. Of these students, 89% were women and 56% were members of underrepresented racial-ethnic groups.


Purdue University - Main Campus

West Lafayette, Indiana
18 Yearly Graduations
100% Women
11% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

The 16th most popular school in the country for veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians majors who are seeking their bachelor's degree is Purdue University - Main Campus. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $9,718 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $9,718 per year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, 18 bachelor's degrees were handed out to veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians majors at Purdue. About 100% of this group were women, and 11% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.


Lincoln Memorial University

Harrogate, Tennessee
17 Yearly Graduations
94% Women
6% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

The 18th most popular school in the country for veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians majors who are seeking their bachelor's degree is Lincoln Memorial University. Roughly 4,800 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $23,760 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $19,654 per year. The veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians program at Lincoln Memorial University awarded 17 bachelor's degrees during the 2020-2021 school year. Of these students, 94% were women and 6% were members of underrepresented racial-ethnic groups.

11 Yearly Graduations
82% Women

University of Puerto Rico - Medical Sciences is the 19th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a bachelor's degree in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians. Each year, around 2,200 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $4,930 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $7,020 per year. During the 2020-2021 academic year, 11 people received their bachelor's degree in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians from UPR Medical Sciences. About 82% of this group were women, and 100% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.


Tarleton State University

Stephenville, Texas
9 Yearly Graduations
100% Women
11% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

Tarleton State University is the 20th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a bachelor's degree in veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $4,416 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $4,356 per year. The veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians program at Tarleton State University awarded 9 bachelor's degrees during the 2020-2021 school year. About 100% of this group were women, and 11% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.

Below are some popular majors that are similar to veterinary/animal health technologies/technicians that offer bachelor’s degrees.

Major Annual Degrees Awarded
Animal Science 7,268
Agricultural Economics 5,097
General Agriculture 2,105
Plant Sciences 1,970
Food Science Technology 1,413


*The racial-ethnic minority student count is calculated by taking the total number of students and subtracting white students, international students, and students whose race/ethnicity was unknown. This number is then divided by the total number of students at the school to obtain the percentage of racial-ethnic minorities.

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