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Bachelor's Degree in Liberal Arts / Sciences & Humanities

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Bachelor’s Degrees in Liberal Arts / Sciences & Humanities

43,302 Yearly Graduations
$32,253 Median Salary
$27,000 Median Debt
There are 1,067 colleges and univerities across the nation that offer a bachelor's degree in liberal arts / sciences and humanities. This degree is more popular with female students, and about 40% of recent graduates were from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group. Also, 2.3% of liberal arts / sciences and humanities graduates were international students.

Education Levels of Liberal Arts / Sciences & Humanities Majors

In 2020-2021, 43,302 bachelor's degrees were awarded to liberal arts / sciences and humanities majors. This earns it the #14 spot on the list of the most popular bachelor's degree programs in the nation.

The following table shows the number of diplomas awarded in liberal arts / sciences and humanities at each degree level.

Education Level Number of Grads
Associate Degree 401,197
Undergraduate Certificate 93,686
Bachelor’s Degree 43,302
Basic Certificate 15,948
Master’s Degree 2,044
Graduate Certificate 546
Doctor’s Degree 90

Earnings of Liberal Arts / Sciences & Humanities Majors With Bachelor’s Degrees

The median salary for graduates holding a bachelor's degree in liberal arts / sciences and humanities is $32,253. This number may vary for a lot of reasons. For instance, you may decide to move to a location where people with your degree are rare and make more money. A better approximation of salary is to look at the typical range of salaries. In this case the low is $28,073 and the high is $36,463.


Student Debt

The median student debt for graduates holding a bachelor's degree in liberal arts / sciences and humanities is $27,000. The school you go to and how long it takes you to graduate, among other things, can cause this number to vary. The chart below shows the range of accumulated debt loads. On the high side of the range, $30,798 is the debt load, and the debt load on the low side is $23,813.


Those students who are paying back their debt on a 10-year repayment plan have a median monthly payment of $241.

Student Diversity

More women than men pursue their bachelor's degree in liberal arts / sciences and humanities. About 64.6% of graduates with this degree are female.

Gender Number of Grads
Men 15,322
Women 27,980

The racial-ethnic distribution of liberal arts / sciences and humanities bachelor’s degree students is as follows:

Race/Ethnicity Number of Grads
Asian 1,769
Black or African American 6,151
Hispanic or Latino 7,340
White 23,221
International Students 990
Other Races/Ethnicities 3,831

There are 1,067 colleges that offer a bachelor’s degree in liberal arts / sciences and humanities. Learn more about the most popular 20 below:


Excelsior College

Albany, New York
1,621 Yearly Graduations
50% Women
22% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

Excelsior College tops the list of the most popular school in the U.S. for liberal arts / sciences and humanities majors who are seeking their bachelor's degree. Roughly 21,900 attend the school each year. During the 2020-2021 academic year, 1,621 people received their bachelor's degree in liberal arts / sciences and humanities from Excelsior College. About 50% of this group were women, and 22% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.


University of Virginia - Main Campus

Charlottesville, Virginia
1,289 Yearly Graduations
62% Women
41% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

University of Virginia - Main Campus is the 2nd most popular school in the nation for students seeking a bachelor's degree in liberal arts / sciences and humanities. Roughly 25,600 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $16,547 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $17,674 per year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, 1,289 bachelor's degrees were handed out to liberal arts / sciences and humanities majors at University of Virginia. Around 41% of these students were from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group, and 62% were women.


Southern New Hampshire University

Manchester, New Hampshire
1,105 Yearly Graduations
52% Women
28% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

Southern New Hampshire University is the 3rd most popular school in the nation for students seeking a bachelor's degree in liberal arts / sciences and humanities. Each year, around 134,300 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $15,000 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $18,900 per year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, 1,105 bachelor's degrees were handed out to liberal arts / sciences and humanities majors at SNHU. Of these students, 52% were women and 28% were members of underrepresented racial-ethnic groups.


New York University

New York, New York
595 Yearly Graduations
72% Women
47% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

New York University is the 4th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a bachelor's degree in liberal arts / sciences and humanities. Roughly 52,700 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $53,770 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $35,982 per year. During the 2020-2021 academic year, 595 people received their bachelor's degree in liberal arts / sciences and humanities from NYU. Of these students, 72% were women and 47% were members of underrepresented racial-ethnic groups.


University of North Texas

Denton, Texas
560 Yearly Graduations
56% Women
54% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

University of North Texas is the 5th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a bachelor's degree in liberal arts / sciences and humanities. Roughly 40,900 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $8,295 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $6,350 per year. The liberal arts / sciences and humanities program at University of North Texas awarded 560 bachelor's degrees during the 2020-2021 school year. Around 54% of these students were from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group, and 56% were women.


Thomas Edison State University

Trenton, New Jersey
550 Yearly Graduations
56% Women
28% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

The 6th most popular school in the country for liberal arts / sciences and humanities majors who are seeking their bachelor's degree is Thomas Edison State University. Roughly 10,400 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $7,182 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $12,024 per year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, 550 bachelor's degrees were handed out to liberal arts / sciences and humanities majors at TESU. Around 28% of these students were from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group, and 56% were women.


The Evergreen State College

Olympia, Washington
541 Yearly Graduations
62% Women
33% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

The 7th most popular school in the country for liberal arts / sciences and humanities majors who are seeking their bachelor's degree is The Evergreen State College. Each year, around 2,200 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $7,389 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $9,329 per year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, 541 bachelor's degrees were handed out to liberal arts / sciences and humanities majors at Evergreen. Around 33% of these students were from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group, and 62% were women.

534 Yearly Graduations
88% Women
67% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

California State University - Fresno is the 8th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a bachelor's degree in liberal arts / sciences and humanities. Each year, around 25,400 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $5,742 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $7,176 per year. The liberal arts / sciences and humanities program at California State University - Fresno awarded 534 bachelor's degrees during the 2020-2021 school year. Around 67% of these students were from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group, and 88% were women.


Northern Arizona University

Flagstaff, Arizona
498 Yearly Graduations
64% Women
45% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

The 9th most popular school in the country for liberal arts / sciences and humanities majors who are seeking their bachelor's degree is Northern Arizona University. Each year, around 29,500 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $10,381 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $10,724 per year. The liberal arts / sciences and humanities program at Northern Arizona University awarded 498 bachelor's degrees during the 2020-2021 school year. About 64% of this group were women, and 45% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.

422 Yearly Graduations
83% Women
13% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

The 10th most popular school in the country for liberal arts / sciences and humanities majors who are seeking their bachelor's degree is Brigham Young University - Idaho. Each year, around 44,400 students seeking various degrees attend the university. For the 2020-2021 academic year, 422 bachelor's degrees were handed out to liberal arts / sciences and humanities majors at BYU - I. Around 13% of these students were from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group, and 83% were women.


Arizona State University - Skysong

Scottsdale, Arizona
376 Yearly Graduations
60% Women
39% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

Arizona State University - Skysong is the 11th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a bachelor's degree in liberal arts / sciences and humanities. Roughly 53,900 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $10,710 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $9,774 per year. The liberal arts / sciences and humanities program at Arizona State University - Skysong awarded 376 bachelor's degrees during the 2020-2021 school year. Around 39% of these students were from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group, and 60% were women.


California State University - Bakersfield

Bakersfield, California
361 Yearly Graduations
84% Women
71% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

California State University - Bakersfield is the 12th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a bachelor's degree in liberal arts / sciences and humanities. Roughly 11,700 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $5,742 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $7,176 per year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, 361 bachelor's degrees were handed out to liberal arts / sciences and humanities majors at CSUB. Around 71% of these students were from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group, and 84% were women.


George Mason University

Fairfax, Virginia
357 Yearly Graduations
66% Women
51% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

George Mason University comes in at #13 on our list of the most popular colleges offering bachelor's degrees in liberal arts / sciences and humanities. Roughly 38,500 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $9,510 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $13,035 per year. The liberal arts / sciences and humanities program at George Mason University awarded 357 bachelor's degrees during the 2020-2021 school year. About 66% of this group were women, and 51% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.


Columbia College

Columbia, Missouri
356 Yearly Graduations
51% Women
46% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

Columbia College comes in at #14 on our list of the most popular colleges offering bachelor's degrees in liberal arts / sciences and humanities. Each year, around 8,300 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $11,636 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $8,442 per year. During the 2020-2021 academic year, 356 people received their bachelor's degree in liberal arts / sciences and humanities from Columbia College Missouri. Around 46% of these students were from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group, and 51% were women.

346 Yearly Graduations
55% Women
30% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

University of Nebraska at Omaha comes in at #15 on our list of the most popular colleges offering bachelor's degrees in liberal arts / sciences and humanities. Roughly 15,800 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $6,344 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $6,138 per year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, 346 bachelor's degrees were handed out to liberal arts / sciences and humanities majors at UNOMAHA. About 55% of this group were women, and 30% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.

333 Yearly Graduations
54% Women
41% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

University of Oklahoma Norman Campus is the 16th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a bachelor's degree in liberal arts / sciences and humanities. Roughly 27,700 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $4,920 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $8,034 per year. During the 2020-2021 academic year, 333 people received their bachelor's degree in liberal arts / sciences and humanities from University of Oklahoma. Around 41% of these students were from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group, and 54% were women.


California State University - Northridge

Northridge, California
318 Yearly Graduations
82% Women
69% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

The 17th most popular school in the country for liberal arts / sciences and humanities majors who are seeking their bachelor's degree is California State University - Northridge. Roughly 40,300 attend the school each year. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $5,742 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $7,176 per year. During the 2020-2021 academic year, 318 people received their bachelor's degree in liberal arts / sciences and humanities from CSUN. Around 69% of these students were from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group, and 82% were women.


University of Louisiana at Lafayette

Lafayette, Louisiana
315 Yearly Graduations
61% Women
36% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

The 18th most popular school in the country for liberal arts / sciences and humanities majors who are seeking their bachelor's degree is University of Louisiana at Lafayette. Each year, around 16,400 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $5,407 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $5,511 per year. For the 2020-2021 academic year, 315 bachelor's degrees were handed out to liberal arts / sciences and humanities majors at UL Lafayette. About 61% of this group were women, and 36% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.

315 Yearly Graduations
43% Women
36% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

Fairleigh Dickinson University - Metropolitan Campus is the 18th most popular school in the nation for students seeking a bachelor's degree in liberal arts / sciences and humanities. Each year, around 7,400 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $36,960 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $9,780 per year. The liberal arts / sciences and humanities program at Fairleigh Dickinson University - Metropolitan Campus awarded 315 bachelor's degrees during the 2020-2021 school year. Around 36% of these students were from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group, and 43% were women.

307 Yearly Graduations
67% Women
90% Racial-Ethnic Minorities*

The 20th most popular school in the country for liberal arts / sciences and humanities majors who are seeking their bachelor's degree is Florida International University. Each year, around 58,800 students seeking various degrees attend the university. The average in-state tuition for full-time undergraduates is $4,721 per year, while in-state graduate students, on average, pay $8,912 per year. During the 2020-2021 academic year, 307 people received their bachelor's degree in liberal arts / sciences and humanities from FIU. About 67% of this group were women, and 90% were students from an underrepresented racial-ethnic group.

Liberal Arts / Sciences & Humanities Majors to Study

Major Annual Degrees Awarded
Liberal Arts General Studies 43,302

Below are some popular majors that are similar to liberal arts / sciences and humanities that offer bachelor’s degrees.

Major Annual Degrees Awarded
Visual & Performing Arts 94,717
English Language & Literature 38,845
Foreign Languages & Linguistics 22,489
Philosophy & Religious Studies 14,685
Theology & Religious Vocations 8,022


*The racial-ethnic minority student count is calculated by taking the total number of students and subtracting white students, international students, and students whose race/ethnicity was unknown. This number is then divided by the total number of students at the school to obtain the percentage of racial-ethnic minorities.

More about our data sources and methodologies.

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