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Anthropology in Pennsylvania

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Anthropology Schools in Pennsylvania

349 Anthropology students earned their degrees in the state in 2020-2021.

In terms of popularity, Anthropology is the 97th most popular major in the state out of a total 338 majors commonly available.

Education Levels of Anthropology Majors in Pennsylvania

Anthropology majors in the state tend to have the following degree levels:

Education Level Number of Grads
Bachelor’s Degree 312
Doctor’s Degree (Research / Scholarship) 21
Doctor’s Degree (Professional Practice) 21
Doctor’s Degree (Other) 21
Master’s Degree 15
Postbaccalaureate Certificate 1
Post-Master’s Certificate 1

Gender Distribution

In Pennsylvania, a anthropology major is more popular with women than with men.


Racial Distribution

The racial distribution of anthropology majors in Pennsylvania is as follows:

  • Asian: 6.9%
  • Black or African American: 7.4%
  • Hispanic or Latino: 10.6%
  • White: 65.6%
  • Non-Resident Alien: 3.4%
  • Other Races: 6.0%

Jobs for Anthropology Grads in Pennsylvania

There are 11,360 people in the state and 474,750 people in the nation working in anthropology jobs.


Wages for Anthropology Jobs in Pennsylvania

A typical salary for a anthropology grad in the state is $94,090, compared to a typical salary of $94,080 nationwide.


There are 10 colleges in Pennsylvania that offer anthropology degrees. Learn about the most popular 10 below:

77 Degrees in Major Awarded
83% Graduation Rate
32,277 Total Students

The 2.90% student loan default rate is lower than average. Of all the students who attend this school, 78% get financial aid. Grads earn an average early-career salary of $48,483 after earning their degree at this institution.


Temple University

32 Degrees in Major Awarded
73% Graduation Rate
37,236 Total Students

In their early career, Temple grads earn an average salary of $47,659. It takes the average student 4.33 years to graduate. 13 to 1 is the student to faculty ratio.

32 Degrees in Major Awarded
71% Graduation Rate
89,816 Total Students

75% of students get financical aid. The student loan default rate is 4.00% which is lower than average. Students who attend this public school pay an average net price of $27,530.

29 Degrees in Major Awarded
95% Graduation Rate
26,552 Total Students

Most students complete their degree in 4.12 years. Roughly six years after entering college, graduates of this school earn $80,445 a year. Students who attend this private institution pay an average net price of $25,046.

24 Degrees in Major Awarded
83% Graduation Rate
2,254 Total Students

59% of students get financical aid. This private institution charges an average net price of $30,911. It takes the average student 4.10 years to graduate.


Haverford College

15 Degrees in Major Awarded
92% Graduation Rate
1,307 Total Students

The average student takes 4.08 years to complete their degree at Haverford. An average student at Haverford will pay a net price of $25,789. Students enjoy a student to faculty ratio of 8 to 1.

13 Degrees in Major Awarded
75% Graduation Rate
17,719 Total Students

Grads earn an average early-career salary of $46,701 after earning their degree at this institution. The full-time teacher rate is 71%. The average student takes 4.34 years to complete their degree at WCUPA.

13 Degrees in Major Awarded
56% Graduation Rate
10,037 Total Students

This public school has an average net price of $22,828. 89% of the teachers are full time. This school boasts a lower than average student loan default rate of 7.00%.

12 Degrees in Major Awarded
60% Graduation Rate
8,427 Total Students

The full-time teacher rate is 81%. Grads earn an average early-career salary of $41,478 after earning their degree at this institution. 20 to 1 is the student to faculty ratio.

10 Degrees in Major Awarded
60% Graduation Rate
7,456 Total Students

It takes the average student 4.40 years to graduate. The student to faculty ratio is 19 to 1. 91% of students are awarded financial aid at this school.

Anthropology Careers in PA

Some of the careers anthropology majors go into include:

Job Title PA Job Growth PA Median Salary
Anthropology and Archeology Professors 7% $88,360
Managers 3% $116,820
Anthropologists and Archeologists -15% $65,730

Below are some popular majors in the state that are similar to anthropology.

Major Annual Graduates in PA
Economics 2,416
Political Science & Government 2,080
Sociology 867
Criminology 713
International Relations & Security 535
Geography & Cartography 495
General Social Sciences 265
Other Social Sciences 127

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