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Best Value Education Schools in the Middle Atlantic Region

2023 Best Value Education Schools in the Middle Atlantic Region

Identifying Quality Schools at More Affordable Prices

165 Colleges
$25,757 Avg Tuition & Fees*
$51,751 Avg Salary

Finding the Best Education School for You

With 327,871 degrees and certificates handed out in 2020-2021, education is the #4 most popular major in the United States.

There are lots of options to pick from today when trying to decide which program is right for you. You can choose a traditional brick and mortar school, or with the growth of online education, you can attend a school half-way across the country without even leaving your house. Also there are many trade schools that offer short-term programs that open up more career options.

The Best Value Education Schools in the Middle Atlantic Region ranking is one of many tools that Course Advisor has developed to help you make your educational decision. Our analysis looked at 165 schools in the Middle Atlantic Region to see which programs offered the best value experiences for education students with the aim of identifying those quality schools that are more affordable than some of their counterparts.

When determining this ranking, we place a high emphasis on the school's quality as well as its sticker price. Even though a college may be affordable, it may not offer value. More specifically, we discount our quality score by the published tuition and fees charged by a school. This gives the cost per unit of quality for each college. The value is determined by how much quality your dollar buys.

Our calculations use out-of-state tuition and fees in our nationwide and regional rankings. Average in-state tuition and fees are used for our statewide rankings.

Top 25 Best Middle Atlantic Region Schools for Affordable Quality in Education


La Salle University

Philadelphia, PA
$33,150 Average Tuition & Fees

Our 2023 rankings named La Salle University the best value school in the Middle Atlantic Region for education students. La Salle is a small private not-for-profit school located in the large city of Philadelphia.

La Salle undergraduate students pay an average of $33,150 in tuition and fees each year. The average amount in student loans that education majors at La Salle take out is $27,000.

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Cabrini University

Radnor, PA
$33,845 Average Tuition & Fees

The excellent programs at Cabrini University helped the school earn the #2 place on this year’s ranking of the best education schools in the Middle Atlantic Region . Located in the large suburb of Radnor, Cabrini University is a private not-for-profit college with a small student population.

The average tuition and fees for an out-of-state undergraduate student at Cabrini University are $33,845 a year. After completing their degree, education graduates from Cabrini University carry an average student debtload of $27,000.

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Essex County College

Newark, NJ
$8,966 Average Tuition & Fees

A rank of #3 on this year’s list means Essex County College is a great value for education students. Located in the large city of Newark, Essex is a public school with a moderately-sized student population.

Essex undergraduate students pay an average of $8,966 in tuition and fees each year. Education majors at Essex take out an average of $7,935 in student loans while working on their egree.

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Hood College

Frederick, MD

You’ll join some of the best and brightest minds around you if you attend Hood College. The school came in at #4 on this year’s Best Value Education Schools in the Middle Atlantic Region list. Hood is a small private not-for-profit school located in the small city of Frederick.

The average tuition and fees for an out-of-state undergraduate student at Hood are $43,140 a year. While working on their degree, education majors at Hood accumulate an average of around $27,250 in student debt.

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McDaniel College

Westminster, MD

You’ll join some of the best and brightest minds around you if you attend McDaniel College. The school came in at #5 on this year’s Best Value Education Schools in the Middle Atlantic Region list. McDaniel is a small private not-for-profit school located in the suburb of Westminster.

McDaniel undergraduate students pay an average of $46,336 in tuition and fees each year. The average amount in student loans that education majors at McDaniel take out is $17,125.

McDaniel excels when it comes to quality. It’s ranked in the top 15% of all schools on our Best Education Schools in the Middle Atlantic Region list.

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$13,740 Average Tuition & Fees

Delaware County Community College ranked #6 on this year’s Best Value Education Schools in the Middle Atlantic Region list. Delaware County Community College is a moderately-sized public school located in the large suburb of Media.

The average tuition and fees for an out-of-state undergraduate student at Delaware County Community College are $13,740 a year. On average, education graduates from Delaware County Community College take out $12,997 in student loans while working on their degree.

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With a ranking of #7, Delaware Technical Community College - Terry did quite well on this year’s best value schools for education students. Located in the city of Dover, Delaware Tech is a public school with a large student population.

Delaware Tech undergraduate students pay an average of $11,808 in tuition and fees each year. On average, education graduates from Delaware Tech take out $9,500 in student loans while working on their degree.

Delaware Tech also claimed a spot on our Best Education Schools in the Middle Atlantic Region list. It’s in the top 15% of all schools in this category.

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Goucher College

Baltimore, MD
$48,200 Average Tuition & Fees

Goucher College landed the #7 spot in the 2023 rankings for the best value education programs. Located in the city of Baltimore, Goucher is a private not-for-profit school with a small student population.

Out-of-state tuition fees for undergraduate students at Goucher are $48,200 per year.

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Wilmington University

New Castle, DE
$11,760 Average Tuition & Fees

With a ranking of #9, Wilmington University did quite well on this year’s best value schools for education students. Wilmington University is a large private not-for-profit school located in the large suburb of New Castle.

Out-of-state tuition fees for undergraduate students at Wilmington University are $11,760 per year. While working on their degree, education majors at Wilmington University accumulate an average of around $21,439 in student debt.

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Wilson College

Chambersburg, PA
$26,200 Average Tuition & Fees

Wilson College ranked #10 on this year’s Best Value Education Schools in the Middle Atlantic Region list. Wilson is a small private not-for-profit school located in the small city of Chambersburg.

The average tuition and fees for an out-of-state undergraduate student at Wilson are $26,200 a year.

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Stevenson University

Stevenson, MD
$38,168 Average Tuition & Fees

Stevenson University came in at #11 in this year’s edition of the Best Value Education Schools in the Middle Atlantic Region ranking. Located in the rural area of Stevenson, Stevenson is a private not-for-profit school with a small student population.

Stevenson undergraduate students pay an average of $38,168 in tuition and fees each year. The average amount in student loans that education majors at Stevenson take out is $26,000. This translates to an average monthly loan payment of $724, based on a 10-year repayment plan.

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Montclair State University

Montclair, NJ
$21,418 Average Tuition & Fees

Montclair State University landed the #12 spot in the 2023 rankings for the best value education programs. Located in the suburb of Montclair, Montclair State is a public school with a fairly large student population.

The average tuition and fees for an out-of-state undergraduate student at Montclair State are $21,418 a year. After completing their degree, education graduates from Montclair State carry an average student debtload of $27,000. For students who choose a 10-year repayment plan, the average monthly student loan payment is $346.

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The College of New Jersey came in at #13 in this year’s edition of the Best Value Education Schools in the Middle Atlantic Region ranking. Located in the suburb of Ewing, TCNJ is a public school with a moderately-sized student population.

The average tuition and fees for an out-of-state undergraduate student at TCNJ are $29,594 a year. After completing their degree, education graduates from TCNJ carry an average student debtload of $26,128. The average monthly payment of a loan this size is about $296, assuming that the borrower is on a 10-year repayment plan.

In addition to its great value ranking, TCNJ is in the top 5% of all schools on our Best Education Schools in the Middle Atlantic Region list.

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The College of Saint Rose did quite well in this year’s ranking of the best value schools for education students. It came in at #14 on the list. Located in the city of Albany, Saint Rose is a private not-for-profit school with a small student population.

The average tuition and fees for an out-of-state undergraduate student at Saint Rose are $35,370 a year. Education majors at Saint Rose take out an average of $26,846 in student loans while working on their egree. Assuming that a graduate chooses a 10-year repayment plan, the average monthly loan payment is $251.

As a testament to the quality of education it offers, Saint Rose also is in the top 20% of our Best Education Schools in the Middle Atlantic Region ranking.

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Holy Family University

Philadelphia, PA
$31,640 Average Tuition & Fees

Holy Family University landed the #15 spot in the 2023 rankings for the best value education programs. Holy Family is a small private not-for-profit school located in the large city of Philadelphia.

The average tuition and fees for an out-of-state undergraduate student at Holy Family are $31,640 a year. On average, education graduates from Holy Family take out $30,125 in student loans while working on their degree.

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University of Scranton

Scranton, PA

University of Scranton ranked #16 on this year’s Best Value Education Schools in the Middle Atlantic Region list. University of Scranton is a small private not-for-profit school located in the city of Scranton.

University of Scranton undergraduate students pay an average of $48,462 in tuition and fees each year. The average amount in student loans that education majors at University of Scranton take out is $27,000.

As a testament to the quality of education it offers, University of Scranton also is in the top 15% of our Best Education Schools in the Middle Atlantic Region ranking.

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$13,298 Average Tuition & Fees

Bucks County Community College did quite well in this year’s ranking of the best value schools for education students. It came in at #17 on the list. Located in the rural area of Newtown, Bucks County Community College is a public school with a moderately-sized student population.

The average tuition and fees for an out-of-state undergraduate student at Bucks County Community College are $13,298 a year. Education majors at Bucks County Community College take out an average of $11,000 in student loans while working on their egree.

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With a ranking of #18, York College of Pennsylvania did quite well on this year’s best value schools for education students. Located in the midsize suburb of York, YCP is a private not-for-profit college with a small student population.

The average tuition and fees for an out-of-state undergraduate student at YCP are $22,350 a year. While working on their degree, education majors at YCP accumulate an average of around $28,000 in student debt.

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$14,122 Average Tuition & Fees

Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania did quite well in this year’s ranking of the best value schools for education students. It came in at #19 on the list. Ship is a medium-sized public school located in the fringe town of Shippensburg.

The average tuition and fees for an out-of-state undergraduate student at Ship are $14,122 a year. The average amount in student loans that education majors at Ship take out is $27,500.

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$38,074 Average Tuition & Fees

Fairleigh Dickinson University - Metropolitan Campus came in at #20 in this year’s edition of the Best Value Education Schools in the Middle Atlantic Region ranking. Located in the large suburb of Teaneck, FDU is a private not-for-profit school with a medium-sized student population.

Out-of-state tuition fees for undergraduate students at FDU are $38,074 per year.

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Lehigh Carbon Community College

Schnecksville, PA
$12,060 Average Tuition & Fees

With a ranking of #21, Lehigh Carbon Community College did quite well on this year’s best value schools for education students. LCCC is a medium-sized public school located in the large suburb of Schnecksville.

The average tuition and fees for an out-of-state undergraduate student at LCCC are $12,060 a year. Education majors at LCCC take out an average of $11,000 in student loans while working on their egree.

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Westminster College Pennsylvania

New Wilmington, PA
$38,230 Average Tuition & Fees

Westminster College Pennsylvania ranked #22 on this year’s Best Value Education Schools in the Middle Atlantic Region list. Westminster New Wilmington is a small private not-for-profit school located in the fringe town of New Wilmington.

Westminster New Wilmington undergraduate students pay an average of $38,230 in tuition and fees each year.

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University of Maryland Global Campus ranked #23 on this year’s Best Value Education Schools in the Middle Atlantic Region list. UMGC is a fairly large public school located in the large suburb of Adelphi.

UMGC undergraduate students pay an average of $12,336 in tuition and fees each year.

UMGC also claimed a spot on our Best Education Schools in the Middle Atlantic Region list. It’s in the top 15% of all schools in this category.

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Touro College

New York, NY
$18,908 Average Tuition & Fees

Touro College landed the #24 spot in the 2023 rankings for the best value education programs. Located in the city of New York, Touro is a private not-for-profit college with a fairly large student population.

Out-of-state tuition fees for undergraduate students at Touro are $18,908 per year.

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Coppin State University

Baltimore, MD
$13,334 Average Tuition & Fees

Coppin State University ranked #24 on this year’s Best Value Education Schools in the Middle Atlantic Region list. Coppin is a small public school located in the city of Baltimore.

The average tuition and fees for an out-of-state undergraduate student at Coppin are $13,334 a year. While working on their degree, education majors at Coppin accumulate an average of around $34,256 in student debt.

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Additional Noteworthy Schools

Here are some additional great value schools for Education students in the Middle Atlantic Region seeking value that almost earned our Best Value Education Schools in the Middle Atlantic Region award.

Rank College Location
26 Russell Sage College Troy, NY
26 Kutztown University of Pennsylvania Kutztown, PA
26 Community College of Philadelphia Philadelphia, PA
29 Gwynedd Mercy University Gwynedd Valley, PA
30 Loyola University Maryland Baltimore, MD
31 Salisbury University Salisbury, MD
32 Clarion University of Pennsylvania Clarion, PA
33 Centenary University Hackettstown, NJ

Best Education Colleges by State

Explore the best education colleges for a specific state in the Middle Atlantic region.

State Degrees Awarded
New Jersey 5,729
Pennsylvania 12,364
New York 24,330
Maryland 5,361
Delaware 1,352
District of Columbia 930

Education Majors to Study

Major Annual Graduates
Teacher Education Grade Specific 110,226
Educational Administration 46,469
Teacher Education Subject Specific 43,297
Special Education 36,792
General Education 29,810
Curriculum & Instruction 19,832
Student Counseling 13,858
Instructional Media Design 8,695
Teaching English or French 5,791
Other Education 4,858
Teaching Assistants 2,751
Educational Assessment 2,552
Multilingual Education 1,910
Education Philosophy 737
International Education 293

Related Major Annual Graduates
Social Sciences 205,984
Psychology 195,678
Communication & Journalism 120,571
Family, Consumer & Human Sciences 55,820
History 32,731

Notes and References

*These averages are for the top 25 schools only.

  • The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), a branch of the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) serves as the core of the rest of our data about colleges.
  • Some other college data, including much of the graduate earnings data, comes from the U.S. Department of Education’s (College Scorecard).
  • Credit for the banner image above goes to Horadrim.

More about our data sources and methodologies.

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