Cell/Cellular Biology and Histology Schools in Maryland
In 2022-2023, 30 students earned their Cell/Cellular Biology and Histology degrees in MD.
A Cell/Cellular Biology and Histology major is the 306th most popular major in this state.
Education Levels of Cell/Cellular Biology and Histology Majors in Maryland
Cell/Cellular Biology and Histology majors in the state tend to have the following degree levels:
Education Level | Number of Grads |
Doctor’s Degree (Research / Scholarship) | 28 |
Doctor’s Degree (Professional Practice) | 28 |
Doctor’s Degree (Other) | 28 |
Master’s Degree | 2 |
Gender Distribution
In Maryland, a cell/cellular biology and histology major is more popular with women than with men.

Racial Distribution
The racial distribution of cell/cellular biology and histology majors in Maryland is as follows:
- Asian: 16.7%
- Black or African American: 3.3%
- Hispanic or Latino: 13.3%
- White: 43.3%
- Non-Resident Alien: 16.7%
- Other Races: 6.7%

Jobs for Cell/Cellular Biology and Histology Grads in Maryland
13,550 people in the state and 282,050 in the nation are employed in jobs related to cell/cellular biology and histology.

Wages for Cell/Cellular Biology and Histology Jobs in Maryland
A typical salary for a cell/cellular biology and histology grad in the state is $103,790, compared to a typical salary of $96,420 nationwide.

Most Popular Cell/Cellular Biology and Histology Programs in MD
There is one school in the state that offers this degree.
Seeking financial aid? At this school, 67% of students receive it. 6 to 1 is the student to faculty ratio. Of all the teachers who work at the school, 96% are considered full time.
Request InformationCell/Cellular Biology and Histology Careers in MD
Some of the careers cell/cellular biology and histology majors go into include:
Job Title | MD Job Growth | MD Median Salary |
Medical Scientists | 10% | $99,740 |
Biological Science Professors | 8% | $80,800 |
Epidemiologists | 3% | $69,700 |
Related Majors in Maryland
Below are some popular majors in the state that are similar to cell/cellular biology and histology.
Major | Annual Graduates in MD |
Cell/Cellular & Molecular Biology | 169 |
Anatomy | 5 |
View all majors related to Cell/Cellular Biology and Histology
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New Jersey
North Carolina
Rhode Island
West Virginia
View Nationwide Cell/Cellular Biology and Histology Report
- College Factual
- National Center for Education Statistics
- O*NET Online
- Image Credit: By Kelvin Song under License
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