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Theological & Ministerial Studies in Washington

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Theological & Ministerial Studies Schools in Washington

In 2020-2021, 200 students earned their Theology degrees in WA.

A Theological & Ministerial Studies major is the 87th most popular major in this state.

Education Levels of Theological & Ministerial Studies Majors in Washington

Theology majors in the state tend to have the following degree levels:

Education Level Number of Grads
Master’s Degree 98
Bachelor’s Degree 79
Associate Degree 14
Doctor’s Degree (Other) 6
Doctor’s Degree (Research / Scholarship) 6
Doctor’s Degree (Professional Practice) 6
Award Taking 2 to 4 Years 2
Award Taking 1 to 2 Years 2
Post-Master’s Certificate 1
Postbaccalaureate Certificate 1

Gender Distribution

In Washington, a theology major is more popular with men than with women.


Racial Distribution

The racial distribution of theology majors in Washington is as follows:

  • Asian: 7.0%
  • Black or African American: 9.0%
  • Hispanic or Latino: 10.0%
  • White: 60.0%
  • Non-Resident Alien: 2.0%
  • Other Races: 12.0%

Jobs for Theological & Ministerial Studies Grads in Washington

In this state, there are 1,170 people employed in jobs related to a theology degree, compared to 82,520 nationwide.


Wages for Theological & Ministerial Studies Jobs in Washington

Theology grads earn an average of $62,240 in the state and $53,290 nationwide.


There are 9 colleges in Washington that offer theology degrees. Learn about the most popular 9 below:

78 Degrees in Major Awarded
1,215 Total Students

An average student at Northwest University CAPS will pay a net price of $25,844. 85% of students are awarded financial aid at this school. The student loan default rate is 5.30% which is lower than average.

27 Degrees in Major Awarded
57% Graduation Rate
318 Total Students

Most students complete their degree in 4.00 years. Seeking financial aid? At this school, 91% of students receive it. The student loan default rate of 2.90% is a good sign that graduates can afford their loan payments.

20 Degrees in Major Awarded
74% Graduation Rate
7,050 Total Students

The full-time teacher rate is 78%. The average student takes 4.19 years to complete their degree at Seattle U. The student to faculty ratio is 10 to 1.

19 Degrees in Major Awarded
54% Graduation Rate
1,184 Total Students

Seeking financial aid? At this school, 99% of students receive it. Of all the teachers who work at the school, 26% are considered full time. This private institution charges an average net price of $20,729.

18 Degrees in Major Awarded
68% Graduation Rate
3,601 Total Students

Seeking financial aid? At this school, 99% of students receive it. Most students complete their degree in 4.25 years. This school boasts a lower than average student loan default rate of 2.00%.

17 Degrees in Major Awarded
86% Graduation Rate
7,295 Total Students

Students enjoy a student to faculty ratio of 11 to 1. Of all the teachers who work at the school, 61% are considered full time. An average student at Gonzaga will pay a net price of $34,451.

8 Degrees in Major Awarded
79% Graduation Rate
2,756 Total Students

Seeking financial aid? At this school, 100% of students receive it. 96% of the teachers are full time. This private institution charges an average net price of $24,492.


Walla Walla University

College Place
6 Degrees in Major Awarded
56% Graduation Rate
1,737 Total Students

Seeking financial aid? At this school, 100% of students receive it. Roughly six years after entering college, graduates of this school earn $48,130 a year. The average student takes 4.63 years to complete their degree at Walla Walla U.

5 Degrees in Major Awarded
266 Total Students

100% of the teachers are full time. The 3.80% student loan default rate is lower than average.

Theological & Ministerial Studies Careers in WA

Some of the careers theology majors go into include:

Job Title WA Job Growth WA Median Salary
Philosophy and Religion Professors 17% $67,040
Clergy 4% $61,330
Religious Workers 3% $38,700

Below are some popular majors in the state that are similar to theology.

Major Annual Graduates in WA
Pastoral Specialized Ministries 29
Other Theology & Religion 16
Religious Education 10
Biblical Studies 7
Missionary Studies 5
Sacred Music 3

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