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Divinity Studies in Illinois

Divinity Studies Schools in Illinois

In 2022-2023, 322 students earned their Divinity Studies degrees in IL.

As a degree choice, Divinity Studies is the 82nd most popular major in the state.

Education Levels of Divinity Studies Majors in Illinois

Divinity Studies majors in the state tend to have the following degree levels:

Education Level Number of Grads
Master’s Degree 297
Bachelor’s Degree 18
Doctor’s Degree (Research / Scholarship) 7
Doctor’s Degree (Professional Practice) 7
Doctor’s Degree (Other) 7

Gender Distribution

In Illinois, a divinity studies major is more popular with men than with women.


Racial Distribution

The racial distribution of divinity studies majors in Illinois is as follows:

  • Asian: 7.8%
  • Black or African American: 11.8%
  • Hispanic or Latino: 8.1%
  • White: 56.5%
  • Non-Resident Alien: 10.2%
  • Other Races: 5.6%

Jobs for Divinity Studies Grads in Illinois

There are 2,880 people in the state and 74,060 people in the nation working in divinity studies jobs.


Wages for Divinity Studies Jobs in Illinois

Divinity Studies grads earn an average of $51,190 in the state and $53,290 nationwide.


There are 12 colleges in Illinois that offer divinity studies degrees. Learn about the most popular 12 below:

48 Degrees in Major Awarded
53% Graduation Rate
1,454 Total Students

This private school has an average net price of $17,041. Students enjoy a student to faculty ratio of 12 to 1. Of all the teachers who work at the school, 23% are considered full time.

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47 Degrees in Major Awarded
41% Graduation Rate
581 Total Students

99% of students are awarded financial aid at this school. It takes the average student 4.21 years to graduate. 7 to 1 is the student to faculty ratio.

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43 Degrees in Major Awarded
63% Graduation Rate
2,870 Total Students

33% of the teachers are full time. It takes the average student 4.24 years to graduate. This private school has an average net price of $22,106.

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33 Degrees in Major Awarded
145 Total Students

The student loan default rate of 2.50% is a good sign that graduates can afford their loan payments. 47% of the teachers are full time.

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32 Degrees in Major Awarded
283 Total Students

The full-time teacher rate is 100%.

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30 Degrees in Major Awarded
186 Total Students

The full-time teacher rate is 100%.

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24 Degrees in Major Awarded
294 Total Students

The full-time teacher rate is 52%. The 3.00% student loan default rate is lower than average.

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23 Degrees in Major Awarded
227 Total Students

The 7.10% student loan default rate is lower than average. The full-time teacher rate is 100%.

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23 Degrees in Major Awarded
65% Graduation Rate
3,764 Total Students

The student to faculty ratio is 14 to 1. 40% of the teachers are full time. Most students complete their degree in 4.18 years.

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15 Degrees in Major Awarded
96% Graduation Rate
17,834 Total Students

This private institution charges an average net price of $20,531. Most students complete their degree in 4.07 years. 85% of the teachers are full time.

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15 Degrees in Major Awarded
221 Total Students

The full-time teacher rate is 36%. The 5.70% student loan default rate is lower than average.

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15 Degrees in Major Awarded
59% Graduation Rate
2,831 Total Students

It takes the average student 4.34 years to graduate. 100% of students are awarded financial aid at this school. The full-time teacher rate is 100%.

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Divinity Studies Careers in IL

Some of the careers divinity studies majors go into include:

Job Title IL Job Growth IL Median Salary
Clergy 4% $48,120
Philosophy and Religion Professors 2% $75,270

Below are some popular majors in the state that are similar to divinity studies.

Major Annual Graduates in IL
Theology 299
Other Theological Studies 153
Pre-Theology/Pre-Ministerial Studies 4

View all majors related to Divinity Studies

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