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Other International Relations & National Security Studies in Tennessee

Other International Relations & National Security Studies Schools in Tennessee

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As a degree choice, Other International Relations & National Security Studies is the 480th most popular major in the state.

Education Levels of Other International Relations & National Security Studies Majors in Tennessee

Other International Relations & National Security Studies majors in the state tend to have the following degree levels:

Education Level Number of Grads
Bachelor’s Degree 1

Racial Distribution

The racial distribution of other international relations & national security studies majors in Tennessee is as follows:

  • Asian: 0.0%
  • Black or African American: 0.0%
  • Hispanic or Latino: 0.0%
  • White: 100.0%
  • Non-Resident Alien: 0.0%
  • Other Races: 0.0%

Jobs for Other International Relations & National Security Studies Grads in Tennessee

In this state, there are 14,650 people employed in jobs related to an other international relations & national security studies degree, compared to 484,390 nationwide.


Wages for Other International Relations & National Security Studies Jobs in Tennessee

In this state, other international relations & national security studies grads earn an average of $83,010. Nationwide, they make an average of $115,300.


There are 2 colleges in Tennessee that offer other international relations & national security studies degrees. Learn about the most popular 2 below:


King University

2 Degrees in Major Awarded
51% Graduation Rate
1,746 Total Students

Most students complete their degree in 4.18 years. 11 to 1 is the student to faculty ratio. This private institution charges an average net price of $23,048.

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1 Degrees in Major Awarded
71% Graduation Rate
30,559 Total Students

A typical student attending UT Knoxville will pay a net price of $19,400. Most students complete their degree in 4.31 years. Students enjoy a student to faculty ratio of 18 to 1.

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Below are some popular majors in the state that are similar to other international relations & national security studies.

Major Annual Graduates in TN
International Relations 106

View all majors related to Other International Relations & National Security Studies

View Nationwide Other International Relations & National Security Studies Report


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