2023 Best Value General Social Sciences Bachelor's Degree Schools in the Southeast Region
Identifying Quality Schools at More Affordable Prices
Finding the Best General Social Sciences Bachelor's Degree School for You
General Social Sciences is the #55 most popular major in the country with 18,997 degrees and certificates awarded in 2020-2021.
When it comes to higher education, there are a lot of options for students. You're no longer limited to schools in your local area, either, since online programs are becoming more prevalent. Or you may find the programs at a trade school to be a better alternative for you.
The Best Value General Social Sciences Bachelor's Degree Schools in the Southeast Region ranking is one of many tools that Course Advisor has developed to help you make your educational decision. Our analysis looked at 25 schools in the Southeast Region to see which bachelor's degree programs offered the best value experiences for social sciences students with the aim of identifying those quality schools that are more affordable than some of their counterparts.
This ranking is not just a list of inexpensive schools. We also consider each school's quality, since we believe a low-quality school may not be a 'bargain' at any price. More specifically, we discount our quality score by the published tuition and fees charged by a school. This gives the cost per unit of quality for each college. The value is determined by how much quality your dollar buys.
For nationwide and regional rankings, we use out-of-state tuition and fees in our calculations. Average in-state tuition and fees are used for our statewide rankings.
Top 10 Best General Social Sciences Bachelor's Degree Schools
Our 2023 rankings named University of South Florida - Main Campus the best value school in the Southeast Region for general social sciences students working on their bachelor’s degree. Located in the city of Tampa, USF Tampa is a public school with a very large student population.
Out-of-state tuition fees for undergraduate students at USF Tampa are $17,324 per year. On average, social sciences graduates from USF Tampa take out $26,167 in student loans while working on their Bachelor's Degree. This translates to an average monthly loan payment of $118, based on a 10-year repayment plan.
USF Tampa also claimed a spot on our Best General Social Sciences Bachelor’s Degree Schools in the Southeast Region list. It’s in the top 20% of all schools in this category.
Read full report on General Social Sciences at University of South Florida - Main Campus
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A rank of #2 on this year’s list means Florida State University is a great value for general social sciences students working on their bachelor’s degree. Florida State is a fairly large public school located in the medium-sized city of Tallahassee.
The average tuition and fees for an out-of-state undergraduate student at Florida State are $21,683 a year. While working on their Bachelor's Degree, social sciences majors at Florida State accumulate an average of around $25,304 in student debt. Assuming that a graduate chooses a 10-year repayment plan, the average monthly loan payment is $185.
In addition to its great value ranking, Florida State is in the top 15% of all schools on our Best General Social Sciences Bachelor’s Degree Schools in the Southeast Region list.
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A rank of #3 on this year’s list means Athens State University is a great value for general social sciences students working on their bachelor’s degree. Athens State University is a small public school located in the town of Athens.
Out-of-state tuition fees for undergraduate students at Athens State University are $15,810 per year.
As a testament to the quality of education it offers, Athens State University also is in the top 20% of our Best General Social Sciences Bachelor’s Degree Schools in the Southeast Region ranking.
Read full report on General Social Sciences at Athens State University
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A rank of #4 on this year’s list means Troy University is a great value for general social sciences students working on their bachelor’s degree. TROY is a fairly large public school located in the remote town of Troy.
TROY undergraduate students pay an average of $18,624 in tuition and fees each year. Social Sciences majors at TROY take out an average of $34,288 in student loans while working on their Bachelor's Degree.
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A rank of #4 on this year’s list means University of Central Florida is a great value for general social sciences students working on their bachelor’s degree. UCF is a very large public school located in the suburb of Orlando.
The average tuition and fees for an out-of-state undergraduate student at UCF are $22,467 a year. While working on their Bachelor's Degree, social sciences majors at UCF accumulate an average of around $22,869 in student debt.
In addition to its great value ranking, UCF is in the top 15% of all schools on our Best General Social Sciences Bachelor’s Degree Schools in the Southeast Region list.
Full General Social Sciences at University of Central Florida Report
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The University of West Florida landed the #6 spot in the 2023 rankings for the best value bachelor’s degree general social sciences programs. Located in the small city of Pensacola, UWF is a public college with a fairly large student population.
UWF undergraduate students pay an average of $18,658 in tuition and fees each year. The average amount in student loans that social sciences majors at UWF take out while working on their Bachelor's Degree is $26,502.
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Liberty University ranked #7 on this year’s Best Value General Social Sciences Bachelor’s Degree Schools in the Southeast Region list. Liberty University is a fairly large private not-for-profit school located in the small city of Lynchburg.
Liberty University undergraduate students pay an average of $16,160 in tuition and fees each year.
Read full report on General Social Sciences at Liberty University
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North Carolina Central University came in at #7 in this year’s edition of the Best Value General Social Sciences Bachelor’s Degree Schools in the Southeast Region ranking. Located in the large city of Durham, North Carolina Central University is a public school with a moderately-sized student population.
The average tuition and fees for an out-of-state undergraduate student at North Carolina Central University are $19,351 a year. After completing their Bachelor's Degree, social sciences graduates from North Carolina Central University carry an average student debtload of $39,056. The average monthly payment of a loan this size is about $114, assuming that the borrower is on a 10-year repayment plan.
Read full report on General Social Sciences at North Carolina Central University
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Vanderbilt University came in at #9 in this year’s edition of the Best Value General Social Sciences Bachelor’s Degree Schools in the Southeast Region ranking. Located in the city of Nashville, Vanderbilt is a private not-for-profit college with a large student population.
Out-of-state tuition fees for undergraduate students at Vanderbilt are $56,966 per year. While working on their Bachelor's Degree, social sciences majors at Vanderbilt accumulate an average of around $14,610 in student debt. Assuming that a graduate chooses a 10-year repayment plan, the average monthly loan payment is $587.
Vanderbilt not only placed well in our value ranking, but it is also #5 on our Best General Social Sciences Bachelor’s Degree Schools in the Southeast Region list.
Full General Social Sciences at Vanderbilt University Report
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With a ranking of #10, Mercer University did quite well on this year’s best value schools for general social sciences students working on their bachelor’s degree. Mercer is a medium-sized private not-for-profit school located in the city of Macon.
Out-of-state tuition fees for undergraduate students at Mercer are $29,324 per year.
Full General Social Sciences at Mercer University Report
Request InformationBest General Social Sciences Colleges by State
Explore the best general social sciences colleges for a specific state in the Southeast region.
State | Degrees Awarded |
Georgia | 51 |
Virginia | 1,592 |
North Carolina | 114 |
Florida | 606 |
Tennessee | 269 |
Kentucky | 52 |
South Carolina | 64 |
Louisiana | 59 |
Arkansas | 16 |
Alabama | 95 |
Mississippi | 55 |
West Virginia | 14 |
More General Social Sciences Rankings in the Southeast Region
Majors Related to Social Sciences
One of 12 majors within the area of study, general social sciences has other similar majors worth exploring.
Majors Similar to Social Sciences
Related Major | Annual Graduates |
Political Science & Government | 49,282 |
Economics | 49,055 |
Sociology | 38,475 |
International Relations & National Security | 14,306 |
Anthropology | 11,415 |
Notes and References
*These averages are for the top 25 schools only.
- The Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), a branch of the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) serves as the core of the rest of our data about colleges.
- Some other college data, including much of the graduate earnings data, comes from the U.S. Department of Education’s (College Scorecard).
- Credit for the banner image above goes to Manfred Werner (Tsui).
More about our data sources and methodologies.