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Other Public Administration & Social Service Professions in New York

Other Public Administration & Social Service Professions Schools in New York

In 2022-2023, 74 students earned their Other Public Administration & Social Service Professions degrees in NY.

An Other Public Administration & Social Service Professions major is the 516th most popular major in this state.

Education Levels of Other Public Administration & Social Service Professions Majors in New York

Other Public Administration & Social Service Professions majors in the state tend to have the following degree levels:

Education Level Number of Grads
Bachelor’s Degree 36
Master’s Degree 20
Associate Degree 10
Post-Master’s Certificate 7
Postbaccalaureate Certificate 7
Award Taking 1 to 2 Years 1
Award Taking 2 to 4 Years 1

Gender Distribution

In New York, a other public administration & social service professions major is more popular with women than with men.


Racial Distribution

The racial distribution of other public administration & social service professions majors in New York is as follows:

  • Asian: 2.7%
  • Black or African American: 43.2%
  • Hispanic or Latino: 29.7%
  • White: 16.2%
  • Non-Resident Alien: 4.1%
  • Other Races: 4.1%

Jobs for Other Public Administration & Social Service Professions Grads in New York


Wages for Other Public Administration & Social Service Professions Jobs in New York


There are 4 colleges in New York that offer other public administration & social service professions degrees. Learn about the most popular 4 below:

21 Degrees in Major Awarded
70% Graduation Rate
5,012 Total Students

Of all the teachers who work at the school, 100% are considered full time. 99% of students get financical aid. 12 to 1 is the student to faculty ratio.

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12 Degrees in Major Awarded
88% Graduation Rate
52,775 Total Students

Students enjoy a student to faculty ratio of 8 to 1. The average student takes 4.13 years to complete their degree at NYU. Seeking financial aid? At this school, 53% of students receive it.

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Iona College

New Rochelle
5 Degrees in Major Awarded
60% Graduation Rate
3,590 Total Students

Students enjoy a student to faculty ratio of 15 to 1. Most students complete their degree in 4.10 years. 100% of students get financical aid.

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3 Degrees in Major Awarded
21% Graduation Rate
856 Total Students

It takes the average student 4.00 years to graduate. The full-time teacher rate is 13%. This private school has an average net price of $22,883.

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