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Food Service, Waiter/Waitress, and Dining Room Management/Manager in Texas

Food Service, Waiter/Waitress, and Dining Room Management/Manager Schools in Texas

No student earned a Food Service, Waiter/Waitress, and Dining Room Management/Manager degree in Texas in 2022-2023.

In this state, Food Service, Waiter/Waitress, and Dining Room Management/Manager is the 846th most popular major out of a total 928 majors commonly available.

Jobs for Food Service, Waiter/Waitress, and Dining Room Management/Manager Grads in Texas

There are 84,060 people in the state and 964,400 people in the nation working in food service, waiter/waitress, and dining room management/manager jobs.


Wages for Food Service, Waiter/Waitress, and Dining Room Management/Manager Jobs in Texas

A typical salary for a food service, waiter/waitress, and dining room management/manager grad in the state is $39,420, compared to a typical salary of $36,190 nationwide.


Food Service, Waiter/Waitress, and Dining Room Management/Manager Careers in TX

Some of the careers food service, waiter/waitress, and dining room management/manager majors go into include:

Job Title TX Job Growth TX Median Salary
Food Preparation and Serving Worker Supervisors 26% $35,340

Below are some popular majors in the state that are similar to food service, waiter/waitress, and dining room management/manager.

Major Annual Graduates in TX
Chef Training 432
Baking & Pastry Arts 176
Restaurant & Catering Management 43
General Cooking & Culinary Arts 26
Food Preparation/Kitchen Assistant 13
Culinary Science/Culinology 11

View all majors related to Food Service, Waiter/Waitress, and Dining Room Management/Manager

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