Mathematical Economics Schools in New York
In 2022-2023, 2 students earned their Mathematical Economics degrees in NY.
In terms of popularity, Mathematical Economics is the 311th most popular major in the state out of a total 336 majors commonly available.
Education Levels of Mathematical Economics Majors in New York
Mathematical Economics majors in the state tend to have the following degree levels:
Education Level | Number of Grads |
Bachelor’s Degree | 2 |
Gender Distribution
In New York, a mathematical economics major is equally popular with women and men.

Racial Distribution
The racial distribution of mathematical economics majors in New York is as follows:
- Asian: 0.0%
- Black or African American: 0.0%
- Hispanic or Latino: 50.0%
- White: 50.0%
- Non-Resident Alien: 0.0%
- Other Races: 0.0%

Jobs for Mathematical Economics Grads in New York

Wages for Mathematical Economics Jobs in New York

Most Popular Mathematical Economics Programs in NY
There is one school in the state that offers this degree.
The full-time teacher rate is 64%. The student to faculty ratio is 16 to 1. Students who attend this public school pay an average net price of $16,281.
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Related Majors in New York
Below are some popular majors in the state that are similar to mathematical economics.
Major | Annual Graduates in NY |
Other Interdisciplinary Studies | 947 |
Human Biology | 713 |
Interdisciplinary Studies | 392 |
Nutrition Science | 355 |
Sustainability Science | 334 |
Science, Technology & Society | 333 |
Biological & Physical Science | 322 |
Behavioral Science | 284 |
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