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Pathology/Pathologist Assistant in Connecticut

Pathology/Pathologist Assistant Schools in Connecticut

In 2022-2023, 28 students earned their Pathology/Pathologist Assistant degrees in CT.

A Pathology/Pathologist Assistant major is the 498th most popular major in this state.

Education Levels of Pathology/Pathologist Assistant Majors in Connecticut

Pathology/Pathologist Assistant majors in the state tend to have the following degree levels:

Education Level Number of Grads
Master’s Degree 28

Gender Distribution

In Connecticut, a pathology/pathologist assistant major is more popular with women than with men.


Racial Distribution

The racial distribution of pathology/pathologist assistant majors in Connecticut is as follows:

  • Asian: 0.0%
  • Black or African American: 3.6%
  • Hispanic or Latino: 17.9%
  • White: 75.0%
  • Non-Resident Alien: 0.0%
  • Other Races: 3.6%

Jobs for Pathology/Pathologist Assistant Grads in Connecticut

In this state, there are 1,290 people employed in jobs related to a pathology/pathologist assistant degree, compared to 110,160 nationwide.


Wages for Pathology/Pathologist Assistant Jobs in Connecticut

A typical salary for a pathology/pathologist assistant grad in the state is $56,750, compared to a typical salary of $49,040 nationwide.


Pathology/Pathologist Assistant Careers in CT

Some of the careers pathology/pathologist assistant majors go into include:

Job Title CT Job Growth CT Median Salary
Surgical Technologists 5% $56,290

Below are some popular majors in the state that are similar to pathology/pathologist assistant.

Major Annual Graduates in CT
Other Allied Health Services 214
Medical/Clinical Assistant 73
Occupational Therapist Assistant 56
Physical Therapy Technician 42
Anesthesiologist Assistant 5

View all majors related to Pathology/Pathologist Assistant

View Nationwide Pathology/Pathologist Assistant Report


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