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Clinical/Medical Laboratory Assistant in New York

Clinical/Medical Laboratory Assistant Schools in New York

No student earned a Clinical/Medical Laboratory Assistant degree in New York in 2022-2023.

Jobs for Clinical/Medical Laboratory Assistant Grads in New York

In this state, there are 22,170 people employed in jobs related to a clinical/medical laboratory assistant degree, compared to 199,480 nationwide.


Wages for Clinical/Medical Laboratory Assistant Jobs in New York

A typical salary for a clinical/medical laboratory assistant grad in the state is $127,230, compared to a typical salary of $122,320 nationwide.


Clinical/Medical Laboratory Assistant Careers in NY

Some of the careers clinical/medical laboratory assistant majors go into include:

Job Title NY Job Growth NY Median Salary
Health Specialties Professors 27% $105,410
Medical and Clinical Laboratory Technicians 19% $0

Below are some popular majors in the state that are similar to clinical/medical laboratory assistant.

Major Annual Graduates in NY
Medical/Clinical Assistant 951
Physical Therapy Technician 303
Occupational Therapist Assistant 286
Other Allied Health Services 57
Respiratory Therapy Technician 46
Pharmacy Technician/Assistant 17

View all majors related to Clinical/Medical Laboratory Assistant

View Nationwide Clinical/Medical Laboratory Assistant Report


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