Nuclear Medical Technology/Technologist Schools in Georgia
11 students earned Nuclear Medical Technology/Technologist degrees in Georgia in the 2022-2023 year.
In this state, Nuclear Medical Technology/Technologist is the 486th most popular major out of a total 718 majors commonly available.
Education Levels of Nuclear Medical Technology/Technologist Majors in Georgia
Nuclear Medical Technology/Technologist majors in the state tend to have the following degree levels:
Education Level | Number of Grads |
Bachelor’s Degree | 11 |
Gender Distribution
In Georgia, a nuclear medical technology/technologist major is more popular with women than with men.

Racial Distribution
The racial distribution of nuclear medical technology/technologist majors in Georgia is as follows:
- Asian: 0.0%
- Black or African American: 27.3%
- Hispanic or Latino: 18.2%
- White: 45.5%
- Non-Resident Alien: 0.0%
- Other Races: 9.1%

Jobs for Nuclear Medical Technology/Technologist Grads in Georgia
In this state, there are 5,570 people employed in jobs related to a nuclear medical technology/technologist degree, compared to 218,290 nationwide.

Wages for Nuclear Medical Technology/Technologist Jobs in Georgia
A typical salary for a nuclear medical technology/technologist grad in the state is $74,420, compared to a typical salary of $78,870 nationwide.

Most Popular Nuclear Medical Technology/Technologist Programs in GA
There is one school in the state that offers this degree.
The average student takes 4.81 years to complete their degree at Augusta University. A typical student attending Augusta University will pay a net price of $13,417. The student to faculty ratio is 17 to 1.
Request InformationNuclear Medical Technology/Technologist Careers in GA
Some of the careers nuclear medical technology/technologist majors go into include:
Job Title | GA Job Growth | GA Median Salary |
Nuclear Medicine Technologists | 12% | $74,720 |
Related Majors in Georgia
Below are some popular majors in the state that are similar to nuclear medical technology/technologist.
Major | Annual Graduates in GA |
Radiologic Technology | 312 |
Physician Assistant | 233 |
Respiratory Care Therapy | 190 |
Medical Radiologic Technology | 146 |
Surgical Technology | 128 |
Sonographer/Ultrasound Technology | 95 |
Emergency Medical Technology | 75 |
Athletic Training | 57 |
View all majors related to Nuclear Medical Technology/Technologist
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