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Computer & Information Sciences in Utah

Computer & Information Sciences Schools in Utah

In 2022-2023, 11,554 students earned their Computer & Information Sciences degrees in UT.

In this state, Computer & Information Sciences is the 5th most popular major out of a total 38 majors commonly available.

Education Levels of Computer & Information Sciences Majors in Utah

Computer & Information Sciences majors in the state tend to have the following degree levels:

Education Level Number of Grads
Bachelor’s Degree 6,461
Master’s Degree 2,782
Award Taking Less Than 1 Year 1,289
Award Taking 1 to 2 Years 457
Award Taking 2 to 4 Years 457
Associate Degree 427
Post-Master’s Certificate 111
Postbaccalaureate Certificate 111
Doctor’s Degree (Research / Scholarship) 27
Doctor’s Degree (Professional Practice) 27
Doctor’s Degree (Other) 27

Gender Distribution

In Utah, a computer & information sciences major is more popular with men than with women.


Racial Distribution

The racial distribution of computer & information sciences majors in Utah is as follows:

  • Asian: 6.1%
  • Black or African American: 6.1%
  • Hispanic or Latino: 10.9%
  • White: 61.0%
  • Non-Resident Alien: 4.3%
  • Other Races: 11.5%

Jobs for Computer & Information Sciences Grads in Utah

There are 67,370 people in the state and 5,610,640 people in the nation working in computer & information sciences jobs.


Wages for Computer & Information Sciences Jobs in Utah

A typical salary for a computer & information sciences grad in the state is $83,700, compared to a typical salary of $92,030 nationwide.


There are 10 colleges in Utah that offer computer & information sciences degrees. Learn about the most popular 10 below:

5,881 Degrees in Major Awarded
47% Graduation Rate
147,866 Total Students

The student to faculty ratio is 42 to 1. The full-time teacher rate is 73%. The average student takes 5.10 years to complete their degree at WGU.

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University of Utah

Salt Lake City
709 Degrees in Major Awarded
67% Graduation Rate
33,081 Total Students

18 to 1 is the student to faculty ratio. This public school has an average net price of $9,422. It takes the average student 4.68 years to graduate.

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471 Degrees in Major Awarded
75% Graduation Rate
36,461 Total Students

An average student at BYU will pay a net price of $13,565. The full-time teacher rate is 71%. Seeking financial aid? At this school, 63% of students receive it.

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468 Degrees in Major Awarded
29% Graduation Rate
40,936 Total Students

25 to 1 is the student to faculty ratio. The full-time teacher rate is 50%. Most students complete their degree in 4.79 years.

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361 Degrees in Major Awarded
36% Graduation Rate
29,596 Total Students

The average student takes 4.93 years to complete their degree at WSU. The full-time teacher rate is 94%. Students who attend this public school pay an average net price of $10,514.

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227 Degrees in Major Awarded
48% Graduation Rate
27,691 Total Students

This public college charges it's students an average net price of $12,620. Of all the teachers who work at the school, 96% are considered full time. Most students complete their degree in 4.66 years.

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Salt Lake Community College

Salt Lake City
170 Degrees in Major Awarded
27,293 Total Students

24% of the teachers are full time. This public school has an average net price of $5,929. The student to faculty ratio is 16 to 1.

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106 Degrees in Major Awarded
67% Graduation Rate
529 Total Students

43% of the teachers are full time. Students enjoy a student to faculty ratio of 41 to 1. The average student takes 4.03 years to complete their degree at Neumont.

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Dixie State University

Saint George
43 Degrees in Major Awarded
23% Graduation Rate
12,043 Total Students

The full-time teacher rate is 40%. Students who attend this public school pay an average net price of $15,065. Students enjoy a student to faculty ratio of 22 to 1.

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37 Degrees in Major Awarded
39% Graduation Rate
12,582 Total Students

Seeking financial aid? At this school, 99% of students receive it. 72% of the teachers are full time. This public school has an average net price of $11,645.

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Computer & Information Sciences Careers in UT

Some of the careers computer & information sciences majors go into include:

Job Title UT Job Growth UT Median Salary
Computer Workers 34% $73,370
Network and Computer Systems Administrators 33% $77,550
Computer Programmers 19% $79,750

Below are some popular majors in the state that are similar to computer & information sciences.

Major Annual Graduates in UT
Communications Technology/Support 104

View all majors related to Computer & Information Sciences

View Nationwide Computer & Information Sciences Report


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