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Speech-Language Pathologists in Kansas

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Speech-Language Pathologists in Kansas

Considering a career as a Speech-Language Pathologist in Kansas?

8.4% Jobs Projection
$67,530 Median Salary
90 Job Openings

You’re in luck! Jobs for Speech-Language Pathologists in Kansas are projected to grow and these jobs tend to pay higher than average.

  • Projected employment for Speech-Language Pathologists in Kansas is growing faster than average.

  • Speech-Language Pathologists in Kansas earn higher salaries than the typical U.S. wage earner.

How Many Speech-Language Pathologists Work in Kansas?

There were approximately 1,360 workers employed as Speech-Language Pathologists in this state in 2018.

There were 1,500 Speech-Language Pathologists employed in this state in 2017.

That’s a decline of 140 jobs between 2017 and 2018.


The typical state has 1,840 Speech-Language Pathologists working in it, which means Kansas has fewer Speech-Language Pathologists than average.


Job Projections for Kansas

Jobs for Speech-Language Pathologists in this state are growing at a rate of 8.4% which is slower than the nationwide estimated projection of 17.8%.


Kansas Annual Job Openings

The BLS estimates 90 annual job openings, and a total of 1,550 jobs for Kansas Speech-Language Pathologists in 2026.

Nationwide, the prediction is 10,400 annual jobs and 171,000 total jobs in 2026.

What do Speech-Language Pathologists Make in Kansas?

In 2018 wages for Speech-Language Pathologists ranged from $44,780 to $101,950 with $67,530 being the median annual salary.

Broken down to an hourly rate, workers in this field made anywhere from $21.53 to $49.02. The median hourly rate was $32.47.

In 2017 the median pay for this field was $32.69 an hour.

The hourly rate declined by $0.22.

The median salary in Kansas is higher than the nationwide median salary.


Top Kansas Metros for Speech-Language Pathologists

The table below shows some of the metros in this state with the most Speech-Language Pathologists.

Metro Number Employed Annual Median Salary
Kansas City, MO-KS 950 $72,860
Wichita, KS 310 $68,450
Topeka, KS 110 $65,970
Lawrence, KS 50 $56,250
St. Joseph, MO-KS 50 $67,100
Manhattan, KS 40 $66,080

Top States for Speech-Language Pathologists Employment

The table below shows the states where most Speech-Language Pathologists work.

State Number Employed Annual Median Salary
Texas 14,330 $71,940
California 13,220 $92,750
New York 12,750 $82,170
Florida 7,380 $76,820
Illinois 6,820 $74,930
New Jersey 6,340 $87,500
Ohio 5,470 $74,390
Pennsylvania 5,450 $74,660
North Carolina 4,430 $73,250
Massachusetts 4,060 $85,870
Michigan 3,950 $74,460
Colorado 3,540 $87,080
Missouri 3,400 $77,670
Georgia 3,300 $75,900
Washington 3,250 $73,250
Minnesota 3,190 $73,880
Virginia 3,160 $86,180
Tennessee 2,990 $79,790
Maryland 2,900 $86,610
Indiana 2,480 $74,240

Below are the states where Speech-Language Pathologists get paid the most:

State Annual Median Salary
District of Columbia $94,330
California $92,750
Connecticut $91,530
New Jersey $87,500
Colorado $87,080
Maryland $86,610
Virginia $86,180
Massachusetts $85,870
Alaska $85,200
Oregon $84,790

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